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The Last Avatar—watch with a membership at:
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Price: $0.00

The Last Avatar

A Film by Jay Weidner

This DVD features both stereo and surround sound tracks.

Now available!

Filled with love, magic, mystery, conspiracy, psychics, underground cities, secret societies, light bodies and much more, The Last Avatar tells the story of the emergence of Kalki Avatar. Kalki is the final Avatar of our current age who comes to assist humanity in this powerful time of transformation.  The Last Avatar is a mystical adventure film, the story of a young man who leaves Hollywood to find himself. What he discovers is beyond his wildest imagination.

Filmed in magical Mt. Shasta in Northern California, The Last Avatar is a unique film that crosses generational boundaries to awaken the idealism and visionary potential of all. Based on ancient prophecies and an awakened approach to contemporary times, The Last Avatar offers a revelation of who we truly are.  But more importantly it offers the alchemical key to our awakening.

Written and Directed by Jay Weidner (Kubrick’s Odyssey, Infinity: The Ultimate Trip), produced by Sharron Rose, the film stars Alexander Polinsky (Saints and Soldiers, Charles in Charge), Adey, Bob Jackson Miner, Monique Trinity Rose, Doug Warner, Sharron Rose (2012 The Odyssey, Timewave 2013) and Neale Donald Walsh (Conversations With God), as the legendary Count St. Germain.

“An exceptionally important film about the global awakening and our role on planet earth in this critical hour.”

 “Perennial wisdom of the ages is stunningly portrayed in this epic film about human potential and the urgency to awaken from our slumber of mediocrity into our magnificence. Brilliant. Beautiful. Necessary!” ~Alexis Brooks, Editor – Conscious Life News

 “A visionary, metaphysical feature film with a strong message and plenty of action in a compelling story that will hold your interest to the very end.” ~ Jennifer Hoskins, New Dawn Magazine

 "The Last Avatar" features some damn fine performances from the lead and supporting cast.  The message is a great one…harnessing the growing concern and discontent with the state of our planet and people, doing so in a fantastic way. What we have is a unique and ambitious film that is so different than most indie offerings, it's very hard to chain it to one genre or style.”

A Sacred Mysteries Production

Running time: 90 minutes

Copyright 2014, Sacred Mysteries Productions

All rights and international rights reserved.  Copies may not be made or used; purchase of the DVD does not convey public performance rights.


Reviews and Endorsements for The Last Avatar

“ A visionary, metaphysical feature film with a strong message and plenty of action… woven with the best from Eastern and Western religious and prophetic cosmologies. All this in a compelling story that will hold your interest to the very end. This is a film that is itself a wake up call. It encourages us to divest ourselves of negative programming and move into higher planes with the help of our light bodies. It addresses the chaos that is happening in the world today and suggests a solution. After watching The Last Avatar, I had the very same feeling I had after watching Little Buddha (1993). I was inspired, I was tingling with energy, and so very, very happy. I recommend this film to all that are looking for a possible solution to and a definite escape from chaos, both in their own lives and in the world.”
~Jennifer Hoskins, New Dawn Magazine

“An exceptionally important film about the global awakening and our role on planet earth in this critical hour.”

"The Last Avatar features some damn fine performances from the lead and supporting cast.  The message is a great one…harnessing the growing concern and discontent with the state of our planet and people, doing so in a fantastic way. What we have is a unique and ambitious film that is so different than most indie offerings, it's very hard to chain it to one genre or style.”

"Perennial wisdom of the ages is stunningly portrayed in this epic film about human potential and the urgency to awaken from our slumber of mediocrity and into our magnificence. The Last Avatar could not have come at a more critical period in our history. Brilliant. Beautiful. Necessary!" ~Alexis Brooks, Editor - Conscious Life News

“With an outstanding cast, evocative music and inspirational special effects, Jay Weidner delivers an adventure story packed with revelation of who we truly are and the alchemical key to our greatest awakening.” ~ William Henry, Host of “Revelations” Radio

The Last Avatar appears destined to be a crystallizing element in the process of global awakening." ~Odyssey Magazine

"Delicious and masterful. The images are stunning, the acting great. I love the message, and boy, are we ready for it. ~ Dr. Alberto Villoldo, bestselling author

'”The Last Avatar gets to the heart of how the world got into this mess and how we get out.” ~ David Icke, Author and Public Speaker

"Very powerful, deeply loving and empowering medicine for the heart, mind, soul and spirit. Not just for the individual, but for humanity and it's awakening. Just brilliant!"  ~  Zen Gardner, Writer and Philosopher.

“A beautiful film with a message for our times.”  ~ Michael Tellinger, Author - African Temples of the Anunnaki

"It's nice to see a truth movie, actually about truth" ~ Chris Kehler, Host of Quantum View, Pyramid One Radio Network Chris Kehler

"The powerful message of The Last Avatar is timely and important for the evolution of our planet."  Andi  & Jonathan Goldman, Authors of "Chakra Frequencies"

"I personally recommend viewing this amazing film The Last Avatar. Only rarely these days is a film offered that really touches your heart and your soul, opens up access to deep metaphysical wisdom, and speaks to the profound escalation of our evolutionary times. Your support in viewing this film now, is also a vote for having more films like this produced and available to us all." ~ Debra Giusti, Producer of Transforming Into The New Paradigm



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