Caroline Casey
Caroline W. Casey is a Visionary Activist Astrologer, devoted to the principle that Imagination lays the tracks for the Reality Train to follow. Therefore the cultivation of imagination coupled with the capacity for complex story-telling is a key strategy for personal and collective change. As the late great Native American activist, Ruben Snake, used to quip, "Here's a little bit of Native American wisdom for you - if we don't change our direction, we're likely to end up where we're headed."
A native of Washington DC Caroline is the last of five children born to an Irish-Democrat-New-Deal Congressman, and a politically active Yankee Swede. She has a degree in Symbol Systems (semiotics) from Brown University, and has studied magic, mythology and social activism all over the world.
Based in Washington DC, Caroline broadcasts her live weekly radio show, "The Visionary Activist Show", wedding spiritual magic to ingenious social action to Pacifica station KPFA (94.1) in Northern California, replayed on L.A.s KPFK (and can be heard live on the web, by going to at 2pm PT on Thursdays).
Primary astrological consultant for Time-Life Books' 1989 book "Cosmic Connections", she has offered mythological-astrological news analysis on ABC"s "Nightline", CNN's "Crossfire", in "People Magazine", on Public Radio, the Mutual Broadcasting System, CBS's "Nightwatch", "Fox Morning News", "Equal Time" etc.
In 1980 Caroline was a weekly astrological political analyst on Washington Metromedia TV, with Mark Shields. Subsequently her Astrological Interpretation of World News and Politics has been sought in a full-page interview in The Washington Post, a full length cover feature also in the Post’s style section (July 2000), on the front page of the Providence Journal, the New Bedford Standard Times, the London Sunday Times, the San Francisco Examiner, and in an interview with James Ridgeway for the Village Voice. She has written astrological-political essays for Washingtonian magazine as well as an astrological-political column for George Magazine (July '98-February '99). And covered the 2000 election for National Journal's Hotline.
Her audio book,Visionary Activist Astrology is published by Sounds True. She is the author of Making the Gods Work For You - the astrological language of the psyche (Harmony Books/Random House or Random Harmony) The audio version, a theatrical presentation of the material in the book, is also titled Making the Gods Work for You.
She offers Visionary Activist Revivals at a wide variety of conferences all over America as well as in South Africa (presenting at the Parliament of World Religions), Sweden, England and New Zealand. A rousing and frequent keynote speaker, Caroline invites us to imagine, conjure, and implement a more lovingly ingenious world